Tuesday 11 December 2012

i,robot movie summery and review

  1. The main characters are spooner, Dr lanning, Lawrence, Alfred  lanning,sonny, Susan Calvin, Vicki
The city it was in was Chicago  .

The time frame was 2035  .

The main idea of the movie was that lutent spooner is trying to figure out who killed lanning.But the thing is he suspects its one of the new designed NS-5  . 
At the end of the movie inside sonny's dream he was the man ( robot) standing under the picture because he thought he can maybe change all of the robots and help them reform  .

I,robot movie questions 

  1.     What was the movie about
  2. How would this effect you in the future if this happens
  3. What would you do if you were in spooner s position
  4. Why do you think viki wanted to take over\
  5. Why did doctor lanning want sonny to kill him 

  1. the movie was about lutent spooner trying to figure out who killed doctor lanning 
  2. this would effect me by not buying anything robotic that i would think that can take over
  3. If i was in spooners potion i would fight for what i know if i saw robots taking over i would at least try to figure out who is running them
  4. i think viki wanted to take over was because she thought that the human race was going to end so she probably thought that she could help them by hacking the robots
  5. he wanted sonny to kill him because he was felling like he was viki s prisoner\

 What i liked about the movie was that it should that one day we will build a robot that will be smarter than us 
what i did not  like was the robots they kinda freak me out cause they are kinda really realistic
my Favorite part of the movie was close to the ending was they were fighting like a million robots at once and sonny through s the nano mites in the air and spooner dives and kills viki 

I rate this movie because it seemed really interesting with all the homicide and robots it made you have to think what was going to happen next was he going to die in the tunnel and because it was not a boring movie it was really exiting       

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