Wednesday 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween

Triangle head

Darth pumpkin


Tuesday 30 October 2012

Google rolls out another Nexus smartphone, larger tablet

5 w's
Who- By Michael Liedtke
What- Google anounced Nexus smartphones and a larger version of the 7-inch Nexus 7 tablet that the company- Began selling in July under the Nexus brandWhere- SAN FRANCISCO
When- October 29, 2012
Why- Because after apple anounced that they were making a smaller and less expensive ipad google thought why dont we just make a larger

What did i find interesting

One thing i found interesting is that google had to anonnce there product right after apple did and there both like the same thing

and i liked how the tablate is large and will be very easy to find not like my ipod

One question i have

Did google have this idea before apple or did they just turn apples idea into there but switched some tools around

How does this relate to it8

This relates to it8 becase have everything to do with because it8 has everything to do with electronics and so does this article

Monday 29 October 2012

Facebook 3rd-quarter results show mobile advertising inroads, stock surges after-hours

the 5 w's
  • who-Mark Zuckerberg
  • what-facebook has proof that they can make money of of mobil advertising
  • where-NEW YORK
  • when-Octobre 23 2012
  • why-so that they can prove that the can make money from mobil advertizing thats why
my thoughts about the article
  • I think its interesting that facebook has finally prooved that they can make money off of mobil advertizing because then they could create more adds for facebook users
  • why did they have to proove there point about all off this
what does this have to do with it8
  • This is realated to it8 because facebook is exactly like a blog like the one were using and shows us new ways to blog ur status like we do on are blogger

Thursday 25 October 2012

fly with jet man

  • WHO - yves rossy
  • what - he created a jet pack and flew over the grand canyon
  • when - he flew it on june 26 2012
  • where - he flew it over the grand canyon
  • why -  he said he wanted to do it so he could make flying alot safer
  • how - he did it by lots of training and studyed and made sure that nothing will go wrong when he is in the air
how does this relate to it8

  •  one way it relates is by we are learning about computers and technolgy and this probably had to use alot of computer work
what did i find interesting

  • i liked when he was flying in th e air and doing all those loops one day i would like to fly like that
  • and the ither thing i liked in the video is that he showed us how to control the machine